Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Strobe photography

In strobe photography, extremely fast flashes of light are used to capture motion that is not visible to the naked eye. in our strobe lighting assignment we popped water balloons and tried to catch the moment they popped. this is my most successful attempt of capturing said moment..

Using a similar technique to mine, Harold Edgerton took pictures like the one above. Here are a few examples of his work;

I have made an imitation of the image above, here it is, lol;

My version is not as good as Harold's version as mine is not in focus.
The following are further examples of Harold Edgerton's work; 

This is yet another example of strobe lighting being used effectively. In this example, it has been used to capture a bullet frozen in place with no motion blur. 

In this example, a test tube has been captured whilst shattering. The same method of capture has been used for the past three examples.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

creative intent and client requirement

Creative intent

Creative intent is when an artist creates a piece of work using their own imagination and initiative, they will make all the decisions themselves with no instruction from anybody else. The artist may receive funding and sponsors from patrons. Creative intent has the potential to lead to commercial success.
An example of an artist who's work is creative intent is the well known photographer Rankin. Here are some of his images..

Client requirement

Client requirement is quite the opposite if creative intent. A photographer is hired specifically by a company, and the photographer will receive strict instructions on how the photograph is to look. These photographs are usually used for product photography. here is an example of client requirement...
This is quite clearly an advertisement for Coca Cola and the photographer who took the image will have been payed for his work.

Comparing the two

The differences in these images shows the differences between client requirement and creative intent. The first image is an advertisement. This is shown by the clear name of the company and the fact that the focus point of the image is the product. The image below it is simply showing various types of goggles with no attempt to satisfy the aesthetic side of the individual products, instead it just ambiguously places several types of the same product in various places.